BMF Blog

We’re consistently taking our rEVOLution one step further!

Our blog posts are from the heart.  Warning!  They can be a little gritty though…they are words to ignite your inner champion and motivate you to create the best version of yourself.

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sinking in quicksand
Good Things Take Time

Good Things Take Time

Good Things Take Time I have this message hanging on the wall in my home office - I have it there to remind me that the fight is worth it. Fuck.  Some days....if I am being honest, I feel impatient and hopeless. Growing this business over the past 10 years has been...

BMF Challenges

Gained weight? Feeling down? Need a boost? Sign up to participate in the next BMF Challenge.

Reconsidering Your Resolution

Reconsidering Your Resolution

While scrolling through my social media feeds, all I read is how people are so relieved that 2020 is coming to an end and how shitty the year has been.  As a fitness professional, business owner, single mom, and human being – sure, I can relate to the shitty-ness, but...

In Other News…

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